
Surprise Awofemi is an accomplished Web Developer based in Nigeria, specializing in web and desktop application development. His journey into the tech world began as a freelancer in 2013, where he honed his skills and developed a passion for creating dynamic and user-friendly digital solutions.

In 2020, Surprise took up the role of Creative Director at AMI, where he now contributes his innovative ideas and technical expertise to lead creative projects.

Educationally, Surprise has a strong background in the field, having studied Software Engineering at Near East University in 2019. He is currently pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology at Kenyatta University, set to graduate in 2023.

His blend of experience, creativity, and ongoing education makes Surprise Awofemi a distinguished figure in the field of web and software development. His commitment to excellence is evident in his work, reflecting a dedication not only to technological innovation but also to aesthetic and functional design.

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